Customer Testimonials

Featured Testimonial

Meet Our Featured Kooler Ice Machines Business Owner Andrew Brose

10 years ago Andrew & Sharon purchased their very first Kooler ICE Vending machine and currently in 2022 have 10 machines in the City of Bendigo Victoria.
Their business plan has been one step at a time and has enormous success with supplementing their income. Also the proud owners of Oasis Car Wash Bendigo

Hear what other Kooler Ice owners are saying!

Jeff Dyson

Kooler Ice USA – Jeff Dyson, Founder

Dave from Forbes

Kooler Ice Franchisee – Dave from Forbes and Parkes in NSW (population – 9,000 each)

Dave from Condoblin

Dave from Condoblin in NSW (population – 2,800)

Nev from Nagambie

Kooler Ice Australia – Nev from Nagambie in VIC (population – 1,500 people)

Greg from Wagga Wagga

Kooler Ice Franchisee – Greg from Wagga Wagga NSW (population – 47,000)

Kooler Ice - A Really Kool Business with Hot Profits!

Kooler Ice Plant Tour

Take a look inside the world’s leading ice vending manufacturing facility! Kooler Ice has over 1,200 ice vending machines in 42 states, Canada, the Bahamas, Martinique and Australia. This 45,000sqft facility is located in Byron, GA, home of the fastest growing ice vending business!

Kooler Ice Vending Machines - IM600XL vs. IM1000

Get an inside look at Kooler Ice’s IM600XL and the IM1000 Series II Ice and Water Vending Machines. Kooler Ice has sold over 500 of these two models throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the Caribbean. Whether you are looking for a smaller retail unit or stand alone unit with more production and visibility, these two models are packed with features and designed to handle any environment!

Real People, Real Revenue